Birthday shenanigans and reflections

How can my baby girl be 1 today? Where has the year gone? Sounds like a cliche right? But seriously, WTF has time gone? And what a bizarre year it’s been with the chaos of the world. But the Corona-coaster has allowed me to spend an unexpected amount of time together as a family unit, which has been revolutionary to us all.

As I look back on the last 365 days of being a mama to this absolute beauty, I am overwhelmed with utter love, warmth and smiles to have this new little side kick in my life. She’s my mini-me, my everything. When I say she ALWAYS smiles, the ALWAYS is the key! Her little adventurous, curious and determined nature bewilders me every day. How can someone so small be so forward thinking? It just blows my mind and expands my heart. Tear jerker.

This year has been so life changing, obvs with a newborn but for so many reasons. I’ve gained a new perspective on life, having two little minis. I’ve realised the importance of looking after myself to help be the best mum I can. I’ve asked for support, care and guidance and I’ve listened to new ways of parenting. I’ve asked and questioned and grown, both as a mama, but as myself. I’ve been bowled over by how resilient I am as well as kids are…. reminds me on the song, Tubthumping by Chumbawanba: “I get knocked down, but I get up again, you (whatever is chucked at me) are never gonna keep me down.”

Skylie’s first year consisted of 4 months of a house renovation, so enjoying the leisure (or not so leisure) of a car seat for hours on end. Then the big bad C hit, so she spent the next 5 months in lockdown, quarantined, from what I would / could / should have done with a newborn! Then BOOM, she started at childcare! A whirlwind, or a tornado, or even a tsunami of a year, but the magical moments have defined our relationship and unbreakable bond.

My pregnancy and birth, once again, opened my eyes and heart. It is just so amazing how a mum will do ANYTHING it takes for their babes. I have the bigggggggggest needle phobia EVER! And Murphy’s Law: I got gestational diabetes. For each and every single prick (5x a day), I knew it was for the greater health of my Junior. I wouldn’t compromise or dilute anything for their benefits. I faced fear in the face! And Skylie gave me the strength to do it! C-Section, another biggie! I was petrified. Petrified may be an understatement. But I walked in, head up, ready to do whatever it took to meet my babe! The constant acts of selflessness are worth every smile, giggle, Mama call-out!

Then the obligatory but so necessary shout-outs for all the amount of help, love and support – it’s been sensational! With everyone from my doula, to lactaction consultant, to midwives and my diabetes team, neighbours, friends and of course, my family: THANK YOU!