A prisoner OR a warrior of my own mind?

Thoughts racing in and out of my mind, subconsciously.
Thinking about the What-Ifs, some things in my control, most not.
My dazed mind starring at one twinkling star – my starlight, star bright.
Big decisions of where I want to be and what I want to be doing engulfing my sleep deprived body and mind.
My long to-do list just gets longer and longer, the more awake I am.
Why haven’t I done this or that pops up repeatedly.
Why can’t I sleep infuriates me, yet keeps me awake longer.
Setting routines and structures for my offspring, yet boundary-less for myself.
Why don’t I get the same mindful treatment as I happily hand out?
Can’t switch off my thinking: it’s on overdrive.
Trying to reroute my direction on a road less bumpy.
Do all roads have humps, holes and speed bumps encouraging a change in pace?
The more I try to focus and hone in, the more my concentration fades.
Come on mind, be still.
Be fluid but stop being controlling and all-encompassing.
Breathe in and let go of all the frustrations with a deep loud sigh, expel it.
Life can be a myriad of layers and intricate complexities, embrace the details as well as step back and enjoy your masterpiece.
There’s only one shot at life: be happy, be bold, be assertive and know what you want and more so, what you deserve.
Radiate your inner essence and your spark will illuminate yourself and your callings.
Listen closely, unmute that inner voice yearning for connection.
Tune in, don’t judge and take action.
Remember there’s only one life, make a difference, be a light and be the change.
Learn to love thyself again and laugh again.
Big deep belly laughs to evoke passion and your buried zest.
It’s there, somewhere deep within.
Trust and respect your gut.
You’ve got it, you ain’t a prisoner, you’re a solider, a warrior and will emerge victorious leading your way, willingly and proudly.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry.
If not now, when?
My life or your life? Mine. So why the errs? Why the hesitations?
Come on, stop being handcuffed and restricted by your mind and fears.
Use your mind to flourish, to nurture and to fly free.
Free of judgements and validations.
Free with a wingspan of hope, courage and resilience.
Release the shackles of your thoughts, and move forward, one shuffle at a time.
Be authentic, be real, be you!
Now, not later!
One chance – Go!