Mind the Gap: transitions

As one door closes, another opens. As we move through life, we transition from one phase to the next, one

“Are you OK?”

All it takes is 3 simple words, “are you ok?”. This question can literally make or break someone, someone in

A new normal, again…

Growing up it’s fascinating how normal life is. You get used to a certain mould where you grow and are

A mama’s wish…

To my baby,

As you embark on your life’s journey, remember you are great. You are a divine piece of a

From frazzled to dazzled

Caveat alert: Never ever in this lifetime did I imagine I’d have the balls to write such a post so

Harden the F*&% up, Mama

If anything were to raise my anxiety, stress and blood pressure from 0 – 100 in an instant, it would